Lost Cascades - The Moonlight Saga


Date 2021/06/05
Label Underwater Computing _
Genre slushwave
Recording Type

Track list:

1. Awaken- In The Forest Of Gaia
2. Moonlight Guidance
3. Bless The Path Ahead
4. Synthetic Memory Flash
5. Star Prayers
6. Campfire- Rest and Restore 🏕️
7. The Lost
8. Demon Seed
9. Ritualistic Fragments Of The Past
10. Reaching New Heights
11. Just Beneath The Atmosphere
12. The Shaman Created Light
13. Crawling Into The Spiders Web
14. Even In Light There Is Darkness
15. The Amulent Of My Beloved- The Woodland Spirits Revealed The Path
16. A Cosmic Message
17. Speaking To The Wind
18. Encountering A Ritual- Human Sacrifice
19. Walking Towards The Fallen Angel
20. When Time Never Existed At All
21. Fallen From The Heavens- She Awaits On The Mountainside
22. Overlooking The Beauty Of Nothingness
23. Psychic Paralysis
24. The Alchemy Of Thinking
25. Frail Limbs (The Climb)
26. Avalanche
27. The Dangers Of The Wandering Wolves
28. The Goddess Within Me
29. Clouds Fade Away
30. A Language Unknown Was Spoken
31. Reaching The Peak Of The Mountain
32. She Raised Her Hands To The Moon
33. Mind, Body, Spirit- Trilogy Spells
34. The Ghost Of My Elders
35. Love Revisited l Destined For Home
