Tally Hall - Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum


Date 2021/06/05
Label Needlejuice Records
Catalog NJR-044
Genre rock, alternative, fabloo, wonky rock
Recording Type Recordable

Track list:

1. Good Day
2. Greener
3. Welcome to Tally Hall
4. Taken for a Ride
5. The Bidding
6. Be Born
7. Banana Man
8. Just Apathy
9. Spring and a Storm
10. Two Wuv
11. Haiku
12. The Whole World and You
13. 13 (not in the tracklist)
14. Ruler of Everything
15. Hidden in the Sand (not in the tracklist)
Bonus Tracks:
16. Mucka Blucka
17. Dream
18. Just a Friend



The Needlejuice Records release uses the audio from the 2008 Atlantic Records version, not the 2005 or 2006 Quack!Media versions.