Sony included a “ ToC signature” as part of the MD spec. Recorders “sign” a disc and track with a 3-4 digit value when they record. Sony never published a list of these so we're making our own.

If you'd like to help contribute the ToC write values of obscure or missing recorder from the list just follow these steps.

1. Get a blank disc or one you don't mind initializing and wipe it.

2. Record a brief track using the device who's ToC write signature we're after.

3. Insert the recorded disc into a Sony NetMD portable and load it up in WebMD Pro.

4. After connecting to the device in webmd pro click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner:

5. Click enter homebrew mode and then in the upper right corner click on the 3 dots again and select “The last ToC writer's signature”.

Report that value and its associated writer in the discord #research channel.

  • guides/lookup_toc_signature.txt
  • Last modified: 10 months ago
  • by jdub